Luby Loo
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:22 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
(According to the Live Version)
Song Author
Luke Pritchard, Hugh Harris, Max Rafferty & Paul Garred
File Size
50 KB
Key Terms:
fing.pick. = Finger Picking
o = Wah Pedal Open
+ = Wah Pedal Close
arr. = Arrangement
arrpeg. = Arrpeggio (Broken Chord)
El.Gtr. = Electric Guitar
Ac.Gtr. = Acoustic Guitar
Cl.Gtr. = Classical Guitar
w/. = With
dist. = Distortion
o/d. = Over-Drive
ad.lib. = Improvise
P.M = Palm Muted
Harm. = Natural Harmonic
T.H = Tap Harmonic
P.H = Pinch Harmonic
tr. = Trill
Rhy.Gtr. = Rhythm Guitar
L.Gtr. = Lead Guitar
tacet = Instrument Stops Playing